miércoles, 31 de enero de 2018

Exrecise (Décimo)

Text Message Abbreviations – Exercise

Can you work out the meaning of this text message conversation between 2 friends?

Sam: Jen RU coming to the party tmrw? Jen: Yeah. Y?
Sam: GR8. B/C I want U2B my GF Jen: I thought you liked my BFF Sam: No I like U
Jen: I have a BF
Sam: IDC. IMHO he’s an idiot Jen: BION I like him
Sam: I want you. IYKWIM Jen: TMI. Lets talk F2F tmrw
Sam: I’ve never felt like this B4. ILU Jen: PCM now
Sam: Haha JK. U believed me? ROFL. I don’t like you! Jen: UR def not funny!
Sam: LOL. K CU tmrw. ETA? Jen: IDK. 9 I guess
- Sam: I want you. IfSam: I’ve never felt likeJen: Believe it or not I like him- Sam: I don’t care. In my honest opinion he’s an idiot-Jen: Too much information. Let’s talk face to face tomorrow-you know what I meanthis before. I love you-Sam: Haha just kidding. You believed me? Rolling in the floorJen: Please call me now--Sam: Laughing out loud. OK see you tomorrow.Jen: You are definitely not funny!-laughing. I don’t like you!Estimated time of arrival?-- Jen: Got to go. Talk to youSam: Let me know- Jen: I don’t know. 9pm I guess-later - Sam: Bye for now. Hugs and kissesSam: BFN XOXO

domingo, 28 de enero de 2018

Whatsapp abreviations workshop ( Décimo)


Match the text message language with the good English.

     Text Message              Good English
1.     I8r                              a. you
2.     u                                 b. before
3.     c                                 c. mate
4.     2                                 d. later
5.     xx                               e. As soon as possible
6.     lol                               f. are you
7.     ur                               g. kiss kiss
8.     m8                             h. see
9.     b4                              i. laugh out loud
10.    r u                              j. to
11.    ASAP                         K. your

Text messages are very short and grammar is often very bad. Write the following messages out in good English. Use full stops, Capital letters and good spelling.

1.     C u l8r
2.     ill be there b 4 8
3.     you forgot ur coat
4.     were r u?
5.     im w8ing for u outside
6.     going to meet dave at 10. C u there
7.     can you pick me up? 8 ok?
8.     dont forget to call me
9.     call me ASAP
10.  wont u doing today mate?