miércoles, 31 de enero de 2018

Exrecise (Décimo)

Text Message Abbreviations – Exercise

Can you work out the meaning of this text message conversation between 2 friends?

Sam: Jen RU coming to the party tmrw? Jen: Yeah. Y?
Sam: GR8. B/C I want U2B my GF Jen: I thought you liked my BFF Sam: No I like U
Jen: I have a BF
Sam: IDC. IMHO he’s an idiot Jen: BION I like him
Sam: I want you. IYKWIM Jen: TMI. Lets talk F2F tmrw
Sam: I’ve never felt like this B4. ILU Jen: PCM now
Sam: Haha JK. U believed me? ROFL. I don’t like you! Jen: UR def not funny!
Sam: LOL. K CU tmrw. ETA? Jen: IDK. 9 I guess
- Sam: I want you. IfSam: I’ve never felt likeJen: Believe it or not I like him- Sam: I don’t care. In my honest opinion he’s an idiot-Jen: Too much information. Let’s talk face to face tomorrow-you know what I meanthis before. I love you-Sam: Haha just kidding. You believed me? Rolling in the floorJen: Please call me now--Sam: Laughing out loud. OK see you tomorrow.Jen: You are definitely not funny!-laughing. I don’t like you!Estimated time of arrival?-- Jen: Got to go. Talk to youSam: Let me know- Jen: I don’t know. 9pm I guess-later - Sam: Bye for now. Hugs and kissesSam: BFN XOXO

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