domingo, 26 de febrero de 2017

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'               Lesson  2        Routines
 Thomas is writing about his daily  routine.  

My daily routine:
My  name is Thomas Moor and  I    am a  student. Everyday I    get up at'  seven, Then I take  a shower, brush my teeth and put  on my  uniform. After that have  breakfast" with my family.
At seven forty five, my sister Becky and  leave  home. School begins  at eight fifteen and finishes at one thirty.
After school, we always have  lunch with our parents. At about three o'clock. do my homework. After that, 1  go out and  play with  my friends. sometimes  I go to the swimming pool. We play soccer  and baseball.
I  arrive home at six P.M. We usually have  dinner at seven
fifteen. My father never eat with us because he  arrives home at ten.
I never watch too much TV. I always go to  bed at nine thirty

lunes, 20 de febrero de 2017


Coffee was first discovered in Eastern Africa in an area we know today as Ethiopia. A popular legend refers to a goat herder by the name of Kaldi, who observed his goats acting unusually friskily after eating berries from a bush. Curious about this phenomenon, Kaldi tried eating the berries himself. He found that these berries gave him renewed energy.
Although wild plants can reach 10 - 12 metres in height, the plantation one reaches a height of around four metres. This makes the harvest and flowering easier, and cultivation more economical. The flowers are white and sweet-scented like the Spanish jasmine. Flowers give way to a red, darkish berry. At first sight, the fruit is like a big cherry both in size and in colour. The berry is coated with a thin, red film (epicarp) containing a white, sugary mucilaginous flesh (mesocarp). Inside the pulp there are the seeds in the form of two beans coupled at their flat surface. Beans are in turn coated with a kind of resistant, golden yellow parchment, (called endocarp). When peeled, the real bean appears with another very thin silvery film. The bean is bluish green verging on bronze, and is at the most 11 millimetres long and 8 millimetres wide.
Coffee plants need special conditions to give a satisfactory crop. The climate needs to be hot-wet or hot temperate, between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn, with frequent rains and temperatures varying from 15 to 25 Degrees C. The soil should be deep, hard, permeable, well irrigated, with well-drained subsoil. The best lands are the hilly ones or from just-tilled woods. The perfect altitude is between 600 and 1200 metres, though some varieties thrive at 2000-2200 metres. Cultivation aimed at protecting the plants at every stage of growth is needed. Sowing should be in sheltered nurseries from which, after about six months, the seedlings should be moved to plantations in the rainy season where they are usually alternated with other plants to shield them from wind and excessive sunlight. Only when the plant is five years old can it be counted upon to give a regular yield. This is between 400 grams and two kilos of arabica beans for each plant, and 600 grams and two kilos for robusta beans.

Harvesting time depends on the geographic situation and it can vary greatly therefore according to the various producing countries. First the ripe beans are picked from the branches. Pickers can selectively pick approximately 250 to 300 pounds of coffee cherry a day. At the end of the day, the pickers bring their heavy burlap bags to pulping mills where the cherry coffee can be pulped (or wet milled). The pulped beans then rest, covered in pure rainwater to ferment overnight. The next day the wet beans are hand-distributed upon the drying floor to be sun dried. This drying process takes from one to two weeks depending on the amount of sunny days available. To make sure they dry evenly, the beans need to be raked many times during this drying time. Two weeks later the sun dried beans, now called parchment, are scooped up, bagged and taken to be milled. Huge milling machines then remove the parchment and silver skin, which renders a green bean suitable for roasting. The green beans are roasted according to the customers’ specifications and, after cooling, the beans are then packaged and mailed to customers.

viernes, 3 de febrero de 2017


1.       Joe is sleeping now
2.       They don’t go to the school
3.       She cooks soup
4.       I am painting my room today
5.       You don´t drive a car
6.       I dance very well
7.       My family is not very big
8.       They read a good book
9.       We get up late
10.   I leave school at 2:00

1.       We_________ to the cinema ( go)
2.       I_________ French on Tuesdays ( study)
3.       Linda______________ at the moment ( sleep)
4.       Mr and Mrs Jones _________ early (get up)
5.       Mary ______ fruits (eat)
6.       They ______________ Hip Hop now ( dance)
7.       I _____________working with the university now (work)
8.       They___________ right now (study)
9.       The dog ____________ vegetables (eat)-
10.     we ______________in a coffee farms (work)

1.       You ________ at the soccer game yesterday
2.       She _______ my best friend
3.       She ________very tired this morning
4.       Her new shoes _________ very expensive
5.       I _________ born on 1980
6.       Mark and Fred _______ playing basketball last Sunday
7.       Maria _____ a good student
8.        At the moment Lili ______ in the park yesterday

jueves, 2 de febrero de 2017


 Find the mistake in the following sentences
1.       Joe are speaking French
2.       They doesn´t go to the movies
3.       She cook lunch on Sundays
4.       I is painting my room today
5.       You doesn´t drives a car
6.       I watches TV
7.       My granddad sites on the yard
8.       They listens to music
9.       We doesn´t watches TV
10.   Emily not Play tennis.
Complete the sentences using simple present or continuous present
1.       We_________ to the cinema ( go)
2.       I_________ French on Tuesdays ( study)
3.       Linda______________ at the moment ( sleep)
4.       Mr and Mrs Jones _________ early (get up)
5.       Mary ______ fruits (eat)
6.       They ______________ Hip Hop now ( dance)
7.       I _____________working with the university now (work)
Complete the sentences with the present or past form of TO BE
1.       You ________ at the soccer game yesterday
2.       She _______ my best friend
3.       She ________very tired this morning
4.       Her new shoes _________ very expensive
5.       I _________ born on 1980
6.       Mark and Fred _______ playing basketball last Sunday
7.       Maria _____ a good student
8.        At the moment Lili ______ in the park 
According to the chart place the time expressions in the correct place
At the moment
Last month
Last Tuesday
Last week
Two years ago
